A free and anonymous NIP-05 ID registration service

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A free and anonymous NIP-05 ID registration service

Feeling like you belong to the club?

Show your support for #onlyzaps by changing your profile NIP05 to for all to see.

How to add / register:

  1. Click this link to create a new file in the _nip05 folder
    • Input the file-name in this format: <nostr username>.md
    • Copy and Edit the template below for the file content
  2. Make a new GitHub Pull Request (PR) - commit the new file (into your fork)
  3. Share the URL to your GitHub Pull Request via DM to nostr npub1hry9h6yld9lte58ldhmv0s5thdrpawet9v0suz365se6t7zgf78sq0t00c and wait to be verified

Alternatively, just DM me on nostr npub1hry9h6yld9lte58ldhmv0s5thdrpawet9v0suz365se6t7zgf78sq0t00c to reserve your username. First come first serve.

File Template:

pubkey: "<your hex-encoded pubkey>"

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